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Conrad Nicholson Hilton, Hotel King who recovered with the grace of Jesus Christ (God)

[Bible to save life]

Conrad Nicholson Hilton, the founder of the international hotel chain Hilton Hotel, went through many hardships and trials before earning the title of Hotel King. It was because of the Bible's words that his mother had heard from an early age that he was able to overcome all the hardships and trials and succeed.

His mother told the young Hilton: "Don't be disappointed in whatever happens to you in the future. Just pray to God. God gives you strength and courage."

The young Hilton still couldn't really understand what my mother was saying. However, my mother's words somehow remained in the corner of my heart. He later confessed that he would be the king of the hotel.

"When I was a kid, I listened to what my mother said from right to left, but when I failed to run a hotel and was corrupt in the suffering of bankruptcy, I heard from my mother a long time ago. I remembered the words, so I went out before God, where I experienced God's power and comfort, and then relied on God's power to work more confidently than before. Was created. "

* Christmas is the day of the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came to give eternal life. It also gives us a recovery of life.

Jesus Christ is the true God. He is a true god who created heaven and earth and human beings. A wonderful love person.

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